Sermons from 2020
Back to Sermon ArchiveDecember 27, 2020
What Now? God's Cure to Christmas Fatigue
Speaker: Brady Nelson Series: General Sermons Passage: John 21:1–14
December 24, 2020
The Return of the King
Speaker: Mike McLaughlin Series: Behold Your King Passage: Revelation 19:11–16
December 20, 2020
The Presence of the King
Speaker: Mike McLaughlin Series: Behold Your King Passage: Matthew 2:1–12
December 13, 2020
The Promise of a King
Speaker: Mike McLaughlin Series: Behold Your King Passage: 1 Chronicles 17:11–14
December 6, 2020
Our Need for a King
Speaker: Series: Behold Your King Passage: Deuteronomy 17:14–30
November 29, 2020
Longing for a King
Speaker: Mike McLaughlin Series: Behold Your King Passage: 1 Samuel 8:1–10, 1 Samuel 8:19–22
November 22, 2020
A Charge to Timothy
Speaker: Mike McLaughlin Series: Thriving in God's House A Study in 1 Timothy Passage: 1 Timothy 6:11–16
November 15, 2020
When Money Leads Astray
Speaker: Mike McLaughlin Series: Thriving in God's House A Study in 1 Timothy Passage: 1 Timothy 6:2b–10
November 8, 2020
Work Unto the Lord
Speaker: Mike McLaughlin Series: Thriving in God's House A Study in 1 Timothy Passage: 1 Timothy 6:1–2
November 1, 2020
Considering the Elder
Speaker: Mike McLaughlin Series: Thriving in God's House A Study in 1 Timothy Passage: 1 Timothy 5:17–25
October 25, 2020
Honoring The Widow
Speaker: Mike McLaughlin Series: Thriving in God's House A Study in 1 Timothy Passage: 1 Timothy 5:1–16
October 18, 2020
Diligent in Your Call
Speaker: Mike McLaughlin Series: Thriving in God's House A Study in 1 Timothy Passage: 1 Timothy 4:11–16
October 11, 2020
Old Wives Tales vs. Godliness
Speaker: Mike McLaughlin Series: Thriving in God's House A Study in 1 Timothy Passage: 1 Timothy 4:6–10
October 4, 2020
Led by the Truth
Speaker: Mike McLaughlin Series: Thriving in God's House A Study in 1 Timothy Passage: 1 Timothy 4:1–5
September 20, 2020
Built Up In Love
Speaker: Mike McLaughlin Series: General Sermons Passage: Ephesians 4:11–16
September 13, 2020
The Church’s One Foundation
Speaker: Mike McLaughlin Series: Thriving in God's House A Study in 1 Timothy Passage: 1 Timothy 3:14–16
September 6, 2020
Likewise, Women...
Speaker: Mike McLaughlin Series: Thriving in God's House A Study in 1 Timothy Passage: 1 Timothy 3:11, Romans 16:1–2
August 30, 2020
Tested for Approval
Speaker: Mike McLaughlin Series: Thriving in God's House A Study in 1 Timothy Passage: 1 Timothy 3:6–13
August 23, 2020
A Noble Aspiration
Speaker: Mike McLaughlin Series: Thriving in God's House A Study in 1 Timothy Passage: 1 Timothy 3:1–7
August 16, 2020
To Be Called a Child of God
Speaker: Mike McLaughlin Series: General Sermons Passage: 1 John 2:28– 3:3
August 9, 2020
Cultivating a Thankful Heart
Speaker: Mike Kennison Series: Guest Preachers Passage: Psalm 103:1–22
July 26, 2020
Jesus Is the Way, the Truth, and the Life
Speaker: Robert Peterson Series: Guest Preachers Passage: John 14:1–7
July 12, 2020
Adoption: Welcome to Your New Family
Speaker: Robert Yarbrough Series: Guest Preachers Passage: Romans 8:12–17
July 5, 2020
Why Saints Struggle
Speaker: Robert Yarbrough Series: Guest Preachers Passage: Romans 7:7–25
June 28, 2020
With the Lord at the Mountain Top
Speaker: Dan Doriani Series: Guest Preachers Passage: Romans 8:28–39
June 21, 2020
With Jesus in Moral, Spiritual Change(Portion of Sermon Missing)
Speaker: Dan Doriani Series: Guest Preachers Passage: Romans 6:1–7
June 14, 2020
Peace with God, Life with Christ
Speaker: Dan Doriani Series: Guest Preachers Passage: Romans 5:1–11
May 31, 2020
The Calm in the Storm
Speaker: Mike McLaughlin Series: General Sermons Passage: Luke 8:22–25
May 24, 2020
For the Love of Men and Women, Part 2
Speaker: Mike McLaughlin Series: Thriving in God's House A Study in 1 Timothy Passage: 1 Timothy 2:8–15
May 17, 2020
“For the Love of Men and Women Pt.1
Speaker: Mike McLaughlin Series: Thriving in God's House A Study in 1 Timothy Passage: 1 Timothy 2:8–15
May 10, 2020
Prayers For Our World
Speaker: Mike McLaughlin Series: Thriving in God's House A Study in 1 Timothy Passage: 1 Timothy 1:18–20
May 3, 2020
Going Astray
Speaker: Mike McLaughlin Series: Thriving in God's House A Study in 1 Timothy Passage: 1 Timothy 1:18–20
April 26, 2020
I Am the Worst
Speaker: Mike McLaughlin Series: Thriving in God's House A Study in 1 Timothy Passage: 1 Timothy 1:12–17
April 19, 2020
The Good of the Law
Speaker: Mike McLaughlin Series: Thriving in God's House A Study in 1 Timothy Passage: 1 Timothy 1:8–11
April 5, 2020
The Future Palm Sunday
Speaker: Mike McLaughlin Series: Easter Passage: Revelation 7:9–17
March 29, 2020
Ignorant Assertions
Speaker: Mike McLaughlin Series: Thriving in God's House A Study in 1 Timothy Passage: 1 Timothy 1:3–7
March 22, 2020
The Purity of the Gospel
Speaker: Mike McLaughlin Series: Thriving in God's House A Study in 1 Timothy Passage: 1 Timothy 1:1–2
March 8, 2020
From Partiality to Freedom(Due to Technical Issues recording starts late)
Series: General Sermons Passage: James 2:1–13
March 1, 2020
Beat, Burden, and Blessing
Speaker: Jason Moore Series: Guest Preachers Passage: 2 Corinthians 12:1–10
February 23, 2020
Seeing the Glory of the Lord
Speaker: Mike McLaughlin Series: Promises of Redemption Passage: Isaiah 66:12–24
February 16, 2020
A New Day is Coming
Speaker: Mike McLaughlin Series: Promises of Redemption Passage: Isaiah 65:17–25
February 9, 2020
The Potter and the Clay
Speaker: Mike McLaughlin Series: Promises of Redemption Passage: Isaiah 64:1–9
February 2, 2020
Come, All Who Thirst
Speaker: Mike McLaughlin Series: Promises of Redemption Passage: Isaiah 55:1–13
January 26, 2020
Suffering and Salvation
Speaker: Mike McLaughlin Series: Promises of Redemption Passage: Isaiah 52:13– 53:12
January 12, 2020
A Comforting Word from a Mighty God
Speaker: Mike McLaughlin Series: Promises of Redemption Passage: Isaiah 40:1–31
January 5, 2020
We Will Not Neglect God's House
Speaker: Mike McLaughlin Series: General Sermons Passage: Nehemiah 10:32–39